Blogger BlogNet13779

Using Email Campaigns to Make Money Online

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There's two ways you can use email campaignsto make money online.The first way usesa list that you have purchased and has been mailed out over and over millions of times.

Not only is this type of list ineffective because of its over use but usually the people on the list have no interest in what you're promoting.

For example, would you send an email about a tennis product to a random list of 10,000 people? A verysmall percentage of these people are going to be interested in your offer. This list will be very unresponsive and will probably create some SPAM complaints. It's just not worth it. It'sbetter to send an offer about a tennis product to 1000 people who have previously indicated that they are interested in tennis and related products.

The other, and by far the better way, is the email campaign that uses your own, personally created list, and is only mailed out as often as you choose.That list is highly responsive, does not generate SPAM complaints, and creates a large return.

Of course the choice is obvious. Your own list is the way to go. But if you don't have a list what then? Well then you build one. Yup - that's right - build your very own targeted list.

OK - so how do I build my own list?

1) You must have a web site, specifically a squeeze page, and an autoresponder.Put a web form on your squeeze page(the pagewhere you send traffic) and send those leads to your autoresponder.

2) Offer a free ebook, newsletter, eCourse, a combination of theseor other valuable giveaways to induce visitors to subscribe to your list.

3) Important - Send your subscribers only very valuable information.Develop a relationship with your subscribers.Let them to look forward to your emails so they will open them gladly, and read them gladly, and respond gladly!

This seems to be an over simplification but really it's about all you need to do. Don't complicate it.Far too many people try to make things difficult for themselves and use 200 proven steps to get the job done.Why use 200 steps when 3 or 4 will work just fine?

Bio: For more information on how to get started building a successful internet business please visit:

Bob Storrs is currently building a successful internet business using the ideas and tools in these articles.

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