Blogger BlogNet13779

Divorce Mediation And Its Use

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Divorce can be a painful experience. Even if you're the one who started the proceedings it's still a tough emotional time to get through. divorce mediators can help both people negotiate a good agreement, with less stress than is normally associated with divorce settlements.

Remember Mediation won't save the marriage. It's not going to try to get you back together. A mediation is a neutral third party method to help you put the past behind you and assists you in negotiating a fair settlement.

Also, divorce mediators are not an arbitrators. A mediator can't make decisions for you, that much is up to you. The mediator is there to help control the situation and understand that in many cases emotions can be raw.

Using divorce mediators can save you time and money. Working through a lawyer is time consuming and expensive. Using mediation and working out your settlement has many advantages.

First, a mediation is designed to gather background information regarding the situation and determine any problems. Then both parties should give the mediator financial information such as; Superannuation, real estate owned both in joint names and single names, retirement funds, investments, car, boats, etc. also any outstanding debts such as mortgages, loans, credit cards. This can be done together or separately.

With this stage completed the mediator needs to know about placement for children, visitation for the non custodial parent, and any alimony and child support. Also the division of property as in who gets the family home, who gets the holiday cottage, the division of other debits and the income of each party.

When all the information is on the table the mediation helps the parties negotiate a fair agreement. At this stage there will be tradeoffs, such as "you can have the boat but I want the SUV".

Many times these scenarios aren't acceptable so they are changed and negotiated until an agreement is reached that suits both parties. The Mediation, while not making decisions for the parties often gives them ideas on to how to balance things and come to a compromise.

Once both parties are satisfied and preliminary agreement it's drawn up for your lawyer to look over. Once all revisions have been made to the satisfaction of both parties then a formal agreement is signed and is binding. Your lawyer will be able to advise you on the laws of each state regarding these documents.

Using a Mediation can make a nasty divorce into one with provisions more amicable to each party. It also can make it easier for you and your spouse and any children.

For more information on all aspects of divorce, including how to effectively represent yourself, visit, Great Divorce Advice

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